We all know the story of the W.D. Boyce and the "Unknown Scout" which led to the founding of the Scouting movement in the United States.
The story fewer people know is that of Arthur Eldred, the first Eagle Scout. The achievements of this man will be celebrated by the Eagle Scout Association of Greater St. Louis at the Fall Reunion held by the Shawnee Lodge of the Order of the Arrow.
According to research conducted by Gary Twite of the Chief Seattle Council, Eldred grew up in Long Island, New York. His Troop served as an honor guard for a visit by Lord Baden-Powell. Scouting's founder shook Eldred's hand and questioned him about his array of badges. Eldred, of modest demeanor, turned red as Badn-Powell continued to inquire about the young man's experiences in Scouting.
In the same year, Eldred would be grilled again by a different group, the national staff of the Boy Scouts of America, in the first Eagle Scout board of review. On August 21, 1912, Chief Scout Executive James E. West formally notified Eldred that he would be the first Eagle Scout. It has been one hundred years since Eldred blased the trail for those of us who would follow such a path.
As such, the Eagle Scout Association of Greater St. Louis, Inc. would like to celebrate by holding a Root Beer Social immediately following the Shawnee Lodge Officer Elections.
This social will offer an environment for Eagles to gather, meet new friends, and reconnect with old ones. All Eagles Scouts are encouraged to attend to honor the centeniial of Eldred's achievement.
Also, Eagle Scouts are encourage to join us as we provide service to the Shawnee Lodge as we prepare and serve the Saturday evening dinner at the Fall Reunion. Additionally, on Friday night, Eagle Scouts are welcome as we put together meals for the Candidates.
We look forward to seeing at the OA Fall Reunion, as we celebrate this fun and important milestone in Scouting.
Register today! Shawnee Lodge Fall Reunion Service Project
Your in Scouting
Michael R. Brand