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Great Fall Weekend sharing fellowship with members of the Shawnee Lodge

10 Sep 2012 09:38 | Anonymous member
What a great fall weekend to share fellowship with members of the Shawnee Lodge.

Special thanks to those members of ESA and a few walk-ons, who made nearly 1,000 cheese sandwiches on Friday Night, and help prepare and serve Saturday dinner for more than 1,500 Scouts and Scouters. Job very well done!

Also, met many new friends at the Root Beer Social. We hope that this effort provided an opportunity for many Scouts and Scouters to gain awareness of the historic tradition and bright future of our association.

We hope to see many of these new fans get engaged and join our ranks. We know the benefits offered to our members are huge when compared to our annual dues of $20. We hope that our new fans visit www.stlesa.org, and determine if ESA is right for them!

With these new members, we can accomplish greater deeds, encourage more Scouts traveling the Trail to Eagle and encourage more Eagle Scouts as we fulfill our Eagle Pledge.

Together we can continue to serve the Greater St. Louis Area Council and continue to give back to this great institution a small part of what has been provided to so many of us.

We look forward to our next Fund Raising Event, November 3, Trivia Night. Proceeds raised at this event to fund Eagle Scout Scholarships, awarded to outstanding Eagle Scouts in the Greater St. Louis Area. To register for this very important event please visit www.stlesa.org.  Please plan to attend and re-kindle the fire, support these young Eagles as they continue to progress through a life of servant leadership.

Michael R. Brand
Membership Chair 2012 -2013

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