1054 N. Woods Mill Rd.
Chesterfield, MO 63017
When: Tuesday, December 30, 2014; Doors open at 11:30 am, Lunch begins at 12 noon.
Meal: All Meals Include Salad, Vegetable, Dessert, Ice Tea or Coffee plus your choose of Beef Tenderloin Tips, Tilapia, or Chicken Breast.
Cost: $25
RSVP: December 26
Following lunch, Andy Zahn, Chief Operating Officer of the Greater St. Louis Area Council will be discussing many of the exciting changes underway at the Council and at the Council Camps!
So please join us on December 30 for lunch and fellowship, and an opportunity to learn what amazing influences Scouting is having on these young men..... and their leaders!
Best to you and yours,
Steve Chesnut, President
Eagle Scout Association of Greater St. Louis
© The Eagle Scout Association of St. Louis, Inc 2017